Shipping Cost from 01.06.2015
Shipments are sent every day, we make every effort to ensure that your orders are processed within one, maximum two business days.
WARNING! Due to a pandemic, Poczta Polska has stopped accepting shipments to most non-European countries and some European countries. The list of countries served by Poczta Polska is updated from time to time. We are trying to update our shipping settings on an ongoing basis but we will not change the following cost table. We believe that the situation will return to normal soon.
If we do not offer parcel to your country, please contact us, it is probably possible to send by courier.
Price list of foreign shipments available for orders placed in the online store
We ship worldwide with no destination limits. In case of problems with choosing the destination country, please contact us at
In case of abroad shipping, delivery cost depends on order's weight and destination. Shop system is counting the total weight of all items in your basket and calculates the final shipping cost, which you will be informed about after going to the Cart page and selecting the Delivery costs tab.